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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Faith - Day 85

Faith is helping us get to work on the things we care about everyday....and do so with purpose.  Faith is putting a smile on Ellie's face today and making sure she laughs out loud every time Timmy plays Duck-Duck-Goose with just the two of them.  Faith will see her march into LPCH tomorrow like a brave soldier, get her shots, and walk out forgetting almost instantly what just happened.  Faith is holding us together when we crave normalcy.  And Faith is what we have when we see the future of these two doing wonderful things to make their mark on the world.  Faith - Intangible, sometimes illogical, but essential.

Polly and I were invited by a colleague to be guest Bartenders at her Team in Training Fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society this Friday night at the Carlos Club in San Carlos from 8-9:30pm.  She will be running a marathon soon having raised many thousands of dollars in sponsors.  All proceeds from her efforts and from funds raised this Friday go directly to LLS.  So, come on out, join us for a beverage, and support Ellie and her amazing cancer Warrior friends.

Here is a poem that spoke to me tonight:

To have faith is to defy logic.
It takes faith to think positively.
It takes faith to believe that there is a loving God who cares deeply about our pain.
To believe in life, the universe, or yourself after numerous failures is to have courage.
Faith is an act of courage.
It is choosing to get up in the morning and face our fears and believe that God will help us.
Faith is choosing to believe that even though we may have failed one hundred times before,
we can succeed the next time.


Ellie is my Hero.

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